Enys gardens in sprin
Enys gardens in spring

As most of you know Ruth is due to give birth to  a  spring baby in the next month and I need to now be on standby. The last Practica had such a good turn out with nice mixture of abilities that  it’s  tempting to just keep going  .  Seeing  newcomers begin to find their dance makes it especially hard to call a break. But needs must. I need to conserve my energy for the big day!

Some of you are already attending class with other groups but for those who aren’t local classes include  Biljana  http://www.biljanalipic.com/ on Wednesdays  who attends the practica form time to time and Penryn Tango ( Jonathan and TeeJay) on Monday and Wednesdays . Biljana also gives private classes

There is also the Penzance Practica ( check Cornwall tango FB group for details) and Plymouth Practica. 

Thank you for coming, sharing the dance and walk of tango. I hope to see you back at the Practica when it starts up again. It’s been a real pleasure practising with you .  In the meantime, Happy to answer any questions, just drop me a line. Will keep you posted with news so keep checking the Facebook group and see you soon.
